Thursday, January 17, 2008

MSL Meeting Minutes - 1/15/08

Reference Desk:

Amy announced the new Outlook calendar for the reference desk. Currently she and Pat can edit the calendars so they will be writing trades in the calendar. Remember to write all vacations/known days off in the print calendar so Pat/Amy can find a trade. You can find your own trade, email Pat/Amy 1-2 weeks in advance so they can get it on the calendar and don't look for a trade. If you are sick, just call in like normal and Pat will find a replacement. If you trade a day ahead or so (after the schedule has been printed) just mark it on the printed schedule at the reference desk.

Someone asked if the long distance number has been moved. No one knew. I just called it and Amy answered so it still comes to the MSL Ref Desk.

Display Case

The display case is open until October. If you have an idea for a display, contact Val to schedule.

MSL Outlook lists

Tara brought up that the lists in Outlook for MSL all start with different designations. There is: MSL, Marston & Science. We voted and most people preferred MSL. Tara will try to combine lists and change them all to begin with MSL.


Laptops will begin circulating Thursday. Feel free to direct people waiting for computers to the circ desk.

Printing problems: We are having problems printing big files. If this happens, power the printer off, count to 10 and turn it back on. This will reset the printer and the print job will be lost. You can then print the "bad" files using the reference desk printer.

Tara asked about the scanners we were supposed to get. We don't know where in the process they are.. Denise/Laurie will ask Michael and report back.


We all agreed Vernon did a nice job with the answers to Michelle's strategic planning questions. Thanks Vernon!

Denise gave a nice synopsis of the OCLC Talk she went to. It was about their latest report on users.

Vernon reminded everyone that the Brittle Books review period would begin soon.

Tara explained what everyone needs to do for the Elsevier Title Swap.

(Sorry these are so late.. I kept forgetting to type them up!)

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